Outward Bound Singapore (OBS), the renowned adventure-based education organization, has initiated a fresh recruitment campaign, aptly titled “Being different- it’s part of the job.” The campaign’s primary aim is to recruit more instructors as OBS gears up to conduct five-day MOE-OBS Challenge (MOC) courses for the entire Secondary Three cohort by 2026.
Crafted in collaboration with local creative agency GERMS, this campaign strives to broaden the pool of potential candidates by dismantling the conventional perception that OBS instructor roles are exclusively for outdoors enthusiasts. The campaign aims to capture the essence and authenticity of the profession while demonstrating its unique distinctiveness.
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Francis Tan, the executive creative director at GERMS, emphasized the objective of retelling the well-known narrative surrounding OBS instructors with an unexpected twist. He highlighted that the campaign includes a playful, cheeky touch to the overall presentation, making it more captivating.
Acknowledging the importance of job growth, fulfillment, and impact for potential candidates, the campaign positions OBS as an attractive career option that checks all these boxes. This initiative is designed to portray Outward Bound as a platform where one’s passion for outdoor activities can make a profound difference in the lives of youths.
The campaign’s implementation strategy includes Out of Home (OOH) advertising and the usage of social media platforms. It showcases OBS instructors conducting various MOC course activities, including kayaking, abseiling, and camping.
To deepen the campaign’s reach and spotlight the often overlooked benefits of being an OBS instructor, a short film was also curated. This film features the personal journeys of three instructors, delving into their lives before joining OBS, the reasons for their decision, and their reflections on the impact they’ve made on youth participants.
Corinne Yong, the head of account management at GERMS, expressed her optimism for the campaign, hoping it would inspire more people to join Outward Bound. She underlined that there isn’t a specific mold for OBS instructors and reiterated their common goal to make a meaningful difference in young lives.
The campaign by OBS and GERMS marks another instance of local brands harnessing creativity to connect with audiences. Recently, Pokka Singapore rolled out a campaign to promote mental well-being, emphasizing the importance of taking regular pauses throughout the day. This campaign, called ‘Let’s pause, let’s POKKA’, was centered around the brand’s 51-year-old heritage.
Source: Marketing Interactive