The auto industry giant, General Motors (GM), has teamed up with the leading streaming platform, Netflix, to showcase their electric vehicles (EVs) in select shows and films. Titled “EVs On Screen”, the collaboration will feature GM’s EVs including the Chevrolet Bolt EUV, GMC HUMMER EV Pickup, and Cadillac LYRIQ, in popular Netflix series such as Love is Blind, Queer Eye, and Unstable. The partnership is part of GM’s “Everybody In” campaign, which aims to lead the way to an all-electric future.
GM’s “Everybody In” Campaign
The campaign, launched in 2021, invites everyone to join GM in their mission to create a more sustainable future. GM, as a leader in EV engineering, is well-positioned to take a leading role in shaping the EV culture and advocating for their widespread adoption.
Netflix’s Commitment to Sustainability
Netflix commits to promoting sustainability and educating their creators about the benefits of EVs. The streaming platform will provide support and resources to help writers, directors, and producers understand how electric vehicles can complement and enhance their stories.
Additionally, Netflix is taking action to become more environmentally friendly behind the scenes, by optimising energy use and electrifying their operations.
The Power of Entertainment
Entertainment has a profound impact on popular culture. Therefore, GM and Netflix believe that they can make EVs more mainstream through storytelling. GM’s global chief marketing officer, Deborah Wahl, says, “Entertainment has a huge impact on culture. We want to make EVs famous on streaming, small and silver screens both, to build an EV culture through storytelling.
Netflix is a great partner because of the company’s compelling storytelling skills. It’s commitment to sustainability and track record of sparking conversations that shape cultural trends also makes it a worthy partner. We are united in creating a better, more sustainable future for our world as we bring everybody in on EVs.”
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Netflix’s chief marketing officer, Marian Lee, agrees, saying, “At Netflix, we create shows and films that can influence culture and spark meaningful conversations.”
Adding further, she said, “From the TikTok dance trends inspired by Wednesday to thoughtful discussions about climate change with Don’t Look Up, we know that entertainment can drive fandom and inspire connections. GM is a cultural leader in the auto industry and we are proud to partner with them in their efforts by amplifying the presence of electric vehicles in our shows and films.”
Elevating EVs on Screen
The “EVs On Screen” partnership is a strategic and well-timed move by GM, as they are a leader in EV engineering with a purpose-built, ground-up design. The collaboration will feature GM’s EVs in popular Netflix shows and films. Even famous celebrities like Will Ferrell will enter the worlds of some of the biggest Netflix productions like Squid Game.
GM’s Innovative Ultium Platform
GM has also teamed up with McCann Shanghai to unveil two sci-fi themed campaigns featuring the company’s game-changing electric vehicle platform, Ultium. The Ultium Platform is the heart of its EVs. It is designed to be flexible and modular, with the engineering capability to make any GM produced vehicle into an electric model. The platform powers the vehicle’s performance, safety, and driving experience, according to the company’s release.
The partnership between General Motors and Netflix is a significant step towards promoting EVs as part of popular culture. By showcasing GM’s EVs in select Netflix shows and films, and elevating the presence of EVs on screen, the “EVs On Screen” collaboration will help to build an EV culture and inspire more people to join the movement towards a more sustainable future.
The collaboration between GM and Netflix, is an example of how companies are working together to create a better future for our world.