Microsoft recently said that chat sessions on its brand-new Bing search engine would be limited to five questions per session and 50 questions per day. The company made this decision after finding out that the chatbot can become repetitive or be “provoked” into giving answers. That aren’t always helpful or in line with the tone it was meant to have during long chat sessions with 15 or more questions. The new Bing search engine is made up of the OpenAI technology ChatGPT and the Bing search engine. Microsoft acknowledged that the chatbot got repetitive and occasionally irritable during lengthy conversations. Its “copilots for the web” are the new Edge web browser. The AI-powered Bing search engine, and integrated Chat for Microsoft.
Sarah Bird, who is in charge of Microsoft’s efforts to make AI more responsible, said that the company had come up with a new way to use generative tools to find risks and train the chatbot’s responses at the Bing launch two weeks ago. In the first week that many people were using it, Microsoft started to notice a pattern. This is because many people were trying out the generative AI and its ability to give answers. Long chat sessions with 15 or more questions can cause Bing to repeat itself. Or give responses that aren’t always helpful or in line with the tone we want. The business realised that lengthy chat sessions might make the model uncertain about the questions it is addressing.
“The software behemoth intends to remedy that by including a tool that will make it simpler. Users to reset the context or begin from scratch. “”We appreciate all of you who are experimenting with the new chat experience and exploring its possibilities and constraints; for example, there have been a few 2-hour chat sessions!” Microsoft emphasized. Researchers are generally aware of the problem of chatbot responses that deviate into strange territory. Sam Altman, the chief executive of OpenAI, stated that one of these “must-solve problems” is enhancing what is known as “alignment,” or how the responses safely reflect a user’s will.
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Right now, using ChatGPT-powered Bing for lengthy conversations is not recommended. Although Microsoft is working to make the chatbot better at handling lengthy chat sessions. It’s important to be aware of the limitations of AI technology. As it is still in its early stages of development. Right now, the best way to guarantee a positive experience with the new Bing search engine. It is to limit chat sessions to a maximum of five questions per session and 50 questions per day.