You may want to call it a holistic approach because it touches all spectrums across the full customer life cycle as the integration was meant to break down the siloes between departments.
I can safely say that RevOps model is a response to how fast the end-to-end customer life cycle has evolved in recent years. RevOps is not just a function of an organization, but it is an operating model and there are plenty of reasons why a modern organization should adopt it.
If you have ever heard about lean and agile philosophy or have put it into practice, you will appreciate what a RevOps operating model brings to your business. In its essence, it drives efficiency, eliminates waste, and encourages more adaptable and flexible ways of getting things done.
RevOps model initially started in the tech industry, mainly for SAAS companies. But in recent years, more businesses have grasped the concept and enabled a more integrated and alignment of previously siloed functions. RevOps is responsible for processes, systems and data that client functions use every day.
What is Revenue Operations or RevOps?
RevOps is the alignment and integration of these 3 ‘fronting’ functions of the business namely marketing, sales and customer success into one framework. You may want to call it a holistic approach because it touches all spectrums across the full customer life cycle as the integration was meant to break down the siloes between departments.
In RevOps, speed and integration are the keys to its operational success. That is why, before enabling the RevOps model, there are a few things that need to be taken care of:
- Agreement on the metrics
- Trust and credibility between the teams
- Ownership and adoption of tech stack
- Change management
These are the items that need to be addressed before committing to the change and adaptation process.
Is RevOps Suitable For My Business?
Each business needs to do these 3 activities to stay in business. They are Marketing, Sales & Customer Service. These are the business lifeline. Though RevOps started in the tech industry, the operating model is applicable to businesses across all industries, as long as you have these 3 functional departments and activities.
Revenue Operations roles in an organization have increased tremendously over the past 5 years. By 2025, 75% of the highest growth companies in the world will deploy a RevOps model. In LinkedIn, a search for RevOps roles yielded more than 22,000 open jobs. That’s huge!
The adoption of RevOps model is yet to be seen much on this side of the world (other than the tech industry), but it soon may. Most business leaders and management are yet to be aware of the positive outcome that RevOps model can bring to their business and how it could change the way the organization works. RevOps is responsible for processes, systems and data that client functions use every day. The teams that initially used to work at different paces and functions have to be integrated to fronting the business with available tech tools.
The 3 keys to surviving in the business world today, especially after the pandemic are speed, collaboration, and resilience. The RevOps Model enablement allows these 3 keys to be embedded naturally into the operations.
So yes, RevOps model is well suited to any type of business outside the tech industry. In fact, this is the best time to enable and implement the RevOps operating model to ensure that your business stays relevant and up to speed.
You now need to identify if your business has these issues:
- Have too many tools
- Have broken processes (but you can’t tell which ones)
- Don’t know what’s working and what’s not
Do some reflection and have a serious overview of your business operations. If any of these 3 above occurred, your business definitely needs to get started bringing on the RevOps model.