- Rushing to start things such as a business or marketing for example is never a good idea. Try follow the Ocean Eleven way of doing things if you’re not sure how best to go about it. They really take their time to plan. With such a long time to really plan out all details, study their target well and the habit, mitigate all possible risks that could jeopardise the mission, they are unbeatable. Any possibilities must be taken care of and accounted for. Then they prepare their move. When the time comes and the ‘stage’ is set, they execute. They make it happens. They know what the objective is, and they know how to get there. And as usual, they win. And the win is normally big. Remember, only fools rush in. The wiser ones would never do that. Ever.
- According to Hindustan Times, Facebook Inc shares could rise 16% to $200 within a year, as it expands its reach in video advertising while strengthening its grip on the existing ones. Facebook is also eyeing more lucrative advertising income via Instagram and Messenger platforms too. A few takeaways to ponder. One, stop hoping for organic growth on Facebook anymore. It’s already a history. Two, despite that the Facebook Ads rate is still very low compared to other channels especially traditional ones. Three, it’s time for you to consider video as top priority for content. They need your video as ‘bullets’ to fight off Snapchat and Google’s YouTube. Four, never let Facebook holds your balls too long. Once they squeeze you harder, you might not be able to breath. It’s time to create a website and slowly be independent from social media. Ramp up your website followers quickly. And five, never ever forget SEO. Being searchable on search engines provides alternative to social media in bringing traffics.
- You won’t be able to figure out digital marketing despite endless information available in hand, unless you learn to look at it from the bigger picture. Learn to zoom out and understand it from the holistic point of view, ask why to everything, extract out all significant points and finally connect all dots. You will see a pattern.
- News of the day. Marketo, a global online marketing software company failed to renew its own domain name recently. Everything was down for hours before all came back to normal. From the website to their email marketing services, every single thing was affected. The worst affected is their reputation. Many of us love to worship large brands. We offer them too much respect while facing them on the battleground out there, resulting our lost even before the fight starts. So, never think big companies are invincible. They are run by humans too, just like us.
- The management seems prefer to put piles of pressure on the Marketing team to bring in results rather than looking at things holistically. Marketing is responsible to bring in numbers, they say. This habit must stop. They must realise as well that the result won’t appear if the Sales, Operations, Products, Finance, Customer Experience team and others are suck too? as all these are pretty much related with one another.
- Why brands continue to fail at Marketing? I noticed two biggest reasons behind the failure. One, there’s no real mastermind behind it. The current one doesn’t quite up for the job. Two, the creative Marketing team is being driven by the old-school, rigid management who think they know everything. Is there any other reason based on your observation?
- It’s not easy to attract people and make them to consider buying your products or services. Imagine when you manage to attract them from your powerful Marketing gig and they found out that you don’t have entry-level products for them to buy for the first time, it could be a such a big turn off to possibilities for more significant purchase in the future.
- Survey is a cool Marketing stunt too. Are you aware of this? Well, now you know. It helps not only to boost engagement, but also helps you to understand your positioning better. Based on the answers received, you can improve on what need to be improved and enhance your strengths further to make the kill. Try SurveyMonkey. It’s a great tool I normally use for my own stunts and for my clients.
- Instagram is growing at a rapid pace. If you depend on Instagram more than other channels for your business, here’s a tip you may find useful to acquire more followers. First, never forget to add a location along with the picture uploaded. And second, add a few trendy hashtags that make sense along with your caption. These two will help make your post visible whenever people search for that location and the keywords. I don’t use Instagram for business. But feel free to search for me there.
- CMO Council: Here’s what we found from our survey. 58% of consumers prefer to connect with brands on their website; 52% on email; 46% on phone; 30% in person; 29%, word of mouth; 17%, direct mail; 27% on social media and 27% on traditional advertising. Only 15% expect brands to be everywhere.? So shut up and keep your Marketing campaigns simple.
- In today’s digital era, user engagement is the single most significant factor unlike others that can take your brand to new heights of success. This is where trust is acquired.
- When would be the best time to post social status? Well, there is no right or wrong time to post things on social media. You can post anytime you want provided that you work to get as many engagements as possible after that. My favourite time to post a social media status would be during lunch break, rush hours heading home from office and slightly after dinner time. After dinner people mostly will be looking at their mobile devices despite the television is switched on. My scheduled posts are within these hours.
- Have you ever thought of making your own blog or company’s website a real-deal publication that reach beyond just your staff and circle of trusts? ?The benefit could be massive. Imagine the new frontier of opportunities that may reach you.
Digital Marketing: Quotes of the Week

I write about marketing strategy, entrepreneurship and life.
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