Suniel Shetty, a renowned Bollywood actor and investor, has pledged his support to Klassroom Edutech, a pioneering hybrid tutoring start-up hailing from Mumbai. Since its establishment in 2016, Klassroom has drawn significant investments, including those from ah! Ventures Angel Fund, Hem Angels, and business tycoons such as Pavan Bakeri and Kishore Ganji, thereby securing a total of $1 million in funding.
The executive chairman of Klassroom Edutech, Alka Javeri, welcomes Shetty, asserting his involvement will bolster the expansion of Klassroom learning centres and enhance user engagement on their learning app, thereby benefiting millions of students.
Shetty’s active participation is predicted to amplify the start-up’s societal initiatives aimed at narrowing the education divide for underprivileged students in India. This endeavour will be facilitated through collaborations with social trusts and NGOs, and the introduction of initiatives such as the ‘Suniel Shetty Scholarship Scheme’ and the ‘Happy Schools’ program.
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Shetty expressed his delight at joining Klassroom, commending its efforts in implementing NEP 2020’s innovative teaching methods and contributing positively to the education sector.
Klassroom has set ambitious goals for the future, aiming to influence the lives of 20 million students over the next five years, tripling its reach annually. They aim to enrol around 500,000 students in the forthcoming year via their social initiative programs.
Klassroom Edutech, founded by Alka Javeri, Dhruv Javeri, and Dhumil Javeri, functions as a hybrid tutoring platform catering to standards 6th to 12th , IIT JEE, NEET, CA and CS, providing an accessible and affordable education to Indian students.