Sharing isn’t educating. You should reserve that during your consultation time
Many firms are now content producers – educating and establishing thought leadership through social media platforms. In fact, many junior positions are created for this. Some of them, however, fail to understand that branding through social media requires a strategy.
Imagine old days marketing – You have your team to work on design, content, and a call to action. People start calling. That’s for social media marketing too. It requires a strategy of the how, what, when, where and why of the content should be published.
The key ingredient for doing social media well is by having a strategy. Without a strategy, you might be posting on social media platforms for the sake of posting.
Sharing, not Educating. Don’t fall into the trap of educating and not sharing. Some choose trending topics and write a lecture on their social platform. For any social media post, avoid content paralysis as the social media user has less than 8-seconds to spend on reading your post. Ask yourself this, “Will this topic sparks interest and worth sharing at the moment”? Rather, adopt this trick;
- A- Awareness
- I – Interest
- D – Desire
- A – Action
Sharing isn’t educating. You should reserve that during your consultation time. Try to use plain language as I mentioned in Plain English for Lawyers vs Plain English for Non-Lawyers, regardless if your audience has a legal background or not.
Show, Don’t tell. Getting traffic to your content is one thing. But getting people to stick around, actually read it, and then finally convert is almost impossible now – Neil Patel. Show-don’t-tell is trying to let your reader experience the story or piece of content through actions, feelings, and visuals, rather than baseline descriptions.
One of the simplest ways to show but not tell to the relevant audience is to ask yourself the 5Ws:
- Why do you want to be on social media?
- Who is your target audience?
- What are you going to share?
- Where are you going to share?
- When are you going to share?
You must learn how to ‘show’ your activities. Each social media platform dictates different languages to reach your audience. For example, Facebook wants you to use more photos compared to any other document (Pdf, Pptx, Docx,); the long post has no place on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.
Psst, do you know that hashtags on Facebook won’t work? Get down with your research now.
Followers, not You. FIX THIS: Social media is about them not about you. As much as you want to create and deliver value to your followers, run analytics to understand what your follower’s interest is. If you fall into the trap of showcasing your talent without adding value to your follower’s interest, your content will stay there. Not trending, boring. Repurpose your most liked post on each social media platform and discard content that clutters your page.
Pleasing Visuals, not just Visuals. Lawyers appreciate long posts such as articles, discussion, and case presentations. However, how can you catch & retain their attention? GOOD SHOW. GOOD SHOW. GOOD SHOW.
- Simplify essential points through images and 30s videos to catch attention.
- Play with colours – good, catchy design.
- Write genuine stories.
- Link your articles and blogs under a brief description.
- Try having listicles content.
Best Content, not any Content. The Linkedin community may appreciate thought-provoking articles whilst the Pinterest community appreciates posts on how to simplify their life. As being pointed out here, attracting and engaging audiences through your content is what will lead to new business and the retention of clients. The ultimate goal of content marketing is to drive your readers to take action.