With social connections purely confined in the digital space as we observe community quarantine, most people find solace in social media – to communicate, to be entertained, and to find an outlet to share what is going on in their daily lives.
Pre-ECQ, the Philippines already topped world rankings when it comes to time spent on social media, according to We Are Social’s comprehensive annual report. These days, it is not hard to believe that usage would peak even more, as it fills in that innate human need to connect and belong.
This is uncharted territory too, for brands. As consumers tighten budgets and limit spending to only the essentials, it is also a time for them to re-evaluate their priorities. Adding to that, several brands have already come under fire for tone-deaf messages that consumers have perceived to be opportunistic or profiteering.
What is a brand to do? At this time, listening first to consumers is key.
Join the free e-Panel discussion on “Social Listening During Social Distancing,” happening on May 14th at 1:00 PM via Zoom, to learn about the discipline and tools of consumer insighting on social media.
“Social listening is a potent approach in understanding what’s being talked about online, get a glimpse of what people are thinking of, and their needs and wants in order to anticipate potential future behavior, attitudes and mindsets” said Germaine Reyes, President and CEO of Synergy Market Research and Consultancy, the organizer of the e-Panel. “ This could lead not only to message management during crisis situations, but ideas for product innovation, pricing strategies, customer expectations management, and customer experience redesign, to name a few.”
Joining in this expert panel are:
- Tony Valdez, Head of Marketing, Customer Solutions, and Product Development, at Meralco
- Mark Manalang, Head of Social at Ogilvy Philippines, and
- Olivier Girard, Head of APAC, Digimind
The session’s goal is to help businesses of any size to utilize social media – from the free, available information that can be downloaded, scraped, or gleaned from social, to highly systematic tools that use AI.
Over 250 marketing professionals and decision-makers are expected to attend, and registration is still open. Attendees are also encouraged to ask their questions directly from the panelists during the session.
“Social Listening During Social Distancing” is the second part of the e-Panel series, and more topics will be announced.
To register for your slot, please click here.