Phew! What a week. These are the ten top articles that caught our attention last week. Check them out right here, you might find them interesting too.
In the Overlooked World of LinkedIn Influencers, a Plumber Finds a Following

At Texas Green Plumbing, a residential plumbing company in Dallas, the setup resembles a traditional workplace: a reception area, several offices and a training space. But one room has been transformed into a home-made studio decked out with a microphone, video camera, lights and a backdrop that features shelves held up by pipes. That’s where Roger Wakefield, a 56-year-old plumber and owner of the company, spends half of each week filming advice and how-to videos — with the help of a hired videographer — to post to his thousands of followers on LinkedIn, as well as other social media channels. Read more.
How to Create Visual Content That’s Worth a Thousand Shares
Visuals are essential to creating content that will help your business stand out and draw in an audience. Not only does imagery help make text-centric content more readable, digestible, and memorable, but it can be used to craft compelling messages that speak volumes without using a single word – just ask anyone who has posted a photo on Instagram, tweeted a meme to express their feelings, or created an Instagram video to share a memorable moment with friends. Read more.
If You Pass This Word Test Without A Thesaurus, You’re Smarter Than 90% Of People
We believe in you. Take the test.
A Step-By-Step Guide To Mastering Keyword Research In 2020
Keyword research is the first step to achieving great SEO and driving your website’s organic traffic. You can think of keywords as the building blocks of SEO — without them, there’s no foundation on which to build your SEO campaign. The blocks you choose will determine the strength and stability of your SEO architecture. Finding the right blocks is simply a matter of seeking out keywords that match your customer’s search intent. Read more.
Powerful Facebook Stats Every Marketer Should Know In 2020
Facebook joined our lives in 2016, and at this point, it’s hard to imagine a life without or before Facebook, (or any other social media app to be honest). Because the platform evolves so constantly, staying on top of statistics like demographics, usage, video, and advertising is the key. In this article, I’ve put together a list with the most essential and powerful Facebook stats every marketer should know in 2020. Let’s dive in!
4 Lead-Generating Content Ideas for Your Digital Marketing Strategy
I’m all about the potential of content marketing. Since I have a coffee company, I generate recipe and blog content related to my products, and for one specific reason: customers should know exactly what they’re coming to me for. These pieces of content act as lead magnets to build trust with my target customer. Everything I put out has the intention of bringing more people into my community, which includes both of my companies, JavaPresse and Stay Grounded. Every content creator or business has their own content strategy that revolves around this: they have content they give out “for free” to grow their community. Read more.
7 Ways to Make Your New Business Name Unforgettable
A business name has done its job if it causes a person to pause for a second. And it’s even more valuable if you can remember it long after that pause. Memorability matters. So how do you create a memorable name? In a 2003 article from the Journal of Advertising, the authors cited the following features that enhance either the recall or recognition of brand names: Rhyme, Unusual spelling, Onomatopoeia, Initial hard consonant, Wordplay and Brand-name fit. Read more.
The Best Time To Post On Instagram (Secrets Revealed)
It’s hard to believe that Instagram has been around for less than a decade, given its massive presence in the social media market. Instagram was born from the idea that people wanted to post picture-perfect photographs online for their followers to see. Adding filtering options to the app was all it took to get Instagram to take off as a social media sensation. Users could now apply filters to give their photos different looks by changing them to monochromatic or sepia tones or sharpening the light and shapes. The number of Instagram users burgeoned as more and more users felt their pictures were now worthy of posting. In 2012, Instagram’s founders sold the app to Facebook for $1 billion, with about 50 million users worldwide. It now has over 1 billion active users and is worth an estimated $100 billion. Read more.
An Average Booth Costs $42k. Here’s What You Can Do Instead
Over the last few months, we’ve seen our world slowly shut down due to the ongoing and progressive COVID-19 pandemic. And one sector that’s being massively impacted by this crisis is the events industry. Whether voluntary to ensure the health and safety of employees, partners, speakers, exhibitors and attendees, or due to government mandates surrounding large gatherings, we’ve seen events of all sizes (from small local meet-ups to larger conferences, like SXSW) either postponed or canceled entirely until next year. Read more.
Gary Vaynerchuk and 8 Other Executives Reveal Their Secrets for Building a Successful Business While Living a Life You Love
These entrepreneurs and Advisors in The Oracles have created what most people only dream of: a profitable business that allows them to live on their terms. So we asked them for the secret. Here’s what they told us. Read more.