7 Effective Tips To Format Blog In 2023

Start with a strong title

The title of your blog post should be both interesting and informative.

Make your blog post skimmable

Use bullet points. Use headers and subheaders.  Bold or italicize key information.

Include a table of contents

 A table of contents gives user an idea of what they may expect. Just by looking at the table of contents, the reader can get a sense of the scope and depth of your work.

Add strong visuals

Including visuals in a blog can enhance its popularity by 94%. Good visuals, such as photos, infographics and graphs can help readers retain information by drawing their attention away from blocks of text.

Stick to readable fonts

Distractions like poor readability and unusual fonts will drive readers away from your material. Keep to sans-serif fonts if at all possible.

Include relevant links

Including both internal and external links in your blog posts is beneficial for SEO and for providing your readers with more resources on a given subject.

Highlight your CTA

Use a variety of fonts and colours to make your call to action stand out. You can insert it at the end of the post or as a pop-up as the reader reached the bottom of the page.