Celebrating National Espresso Day: A Journey from Turin to Your Cup

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Photo Credit:unsplash

Marketing In Asia

By: Divya Dubey

Published: Nov23 ,2023

The Birth of Espresso

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The roots of espresso in Turin, Italy, where Angelo Moriondo's invention revolutionized coffee brewing.

Angelo Moriondo: The Pioneer

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Angelo Moriondo, whose innovative machine in 1884 changed coffee consumption forever.

The Evolution of Espresso Machines

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Technological advancements from Moriondo's original design to modern electric espresso machines.

Espresso Goes Global

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The journey of espresso as it becomes a beloved beverage in Europe, the USA, and beyond.

The Rise of Domestic Machines

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Espresso machines have become a household staple, allowing everyone to be their own barista.

The Latte Revolution

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Addition of steamed milk led to the creation of lattes, making espresso even more popular.

National Espresso Day: A Tribute to Coffee's Finest

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National Espresso Day celebrates the history and impact of this potent brew.

Espresso Today

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Espresso remains a vital part of daily life, fueling our days with its rich and robust flavor.