Tips To Protect Your Eyes From The UV Rays

types of UV rays

Type 1, UV-A can hurt your central vision and it damages the macula, a part of the retina. Type 2, UV-B rays are absorbed by the front part of your eye (the lens and the cornea), but they can still cause some serious damage to your eyes.


Ensure the sunglasses you are buying have UV 400 lenses to give you sufficient protection against harmful UV light, according to the Professional Association of Ophthalmologists in Germany.


A good pair of sunglasses should either say "100% UV protection" or "UV absorption up to 400nm."


Consider getting a cap with a built-in visor that provide powerful protection against the harmful UV rays.


Don't assume that polarisation lenses or dark lenses will help protect your eyes.


Eye care professionals say that the size of the lenses does matter, so people who wear smaller glasses are not quite as protected from UV rays as those who wear larger ones.


Never stare at the sun! When you look straight into the sun, both the surface of your eye and your retina can burn. This can cause damage to your macula, leading to macular degeneration, leading to blindness in those spots.

If you need to wear glasses for light sensitivity or want convenience, transition lenses are a great idea. They're clear when inside but darken when outside!



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