How to Do a Social Media Audit

Start with the basics

Compile all of your company's social media profiles, even if you haven't used them in a while or haven't updated their content. Include your username or handle for each platform, as well as the number of subscribers or followers you have, engagement rates, and any other KPIs that may apply.

Analyze each profile’s engagement

There is a wealth of information that can be gleaned from the analytics tools incorporated into most social media platforms. Keep track of your impressions, reach, and engagement rates on each platform separately.

Find the patterns

Find out the commonalities between the most shared content on different platforms. The sort of post, the intended demographic of the post, the time it was made, and any media in the post are things to explore.

Set goals for each platform

Your social media objectives should centre on how social media may help your company, such as boosting website traffic, brand exposure, and engagement.

Make a plan

Your social media audit will require extensive data collection. Don't let that draw your attention away from the goal, though. You may decide what needs to change about your use of social media with the aid of the audit. Create a strategy for achieving your goals when you've finished the audit .

Assess new platforms

It's possible that your company is concentrating its efforts on the major platforms while underutilizing others. So, go for it if you see promise elsewhere or simply want to investigate new possibilities.